Rebel E Publishing have sent the contract and I've signed it electronically. The editors at Rebel seem lovely and reports from the authors are encouraging so it should be a good partnership. I'm looking forward to it's release in 2012.
Another little victory is the sale of my short story Two lumps and a pair of Glasses to Big Pulp Magazine. This will be my first publication in a USA trade print magazine. It was a crazy little story about a man with breasts who begs on the streets of Bangkok. I see him during my bus journey home from work each day. So many stories you can grab from the bus window in Bangkok. So many things going on all the time. Yep, and we are still not flooded at the moment. Well, not here, on my road, anyway.
I'm working on Black Jack thus far and I think I can finish the novel in first draft by the end of next week.(EDIT-NO YOU CAN"T! IT'S NEXT WEEK ALREADY - JN 11.11.11) It's my Jack the Ripper book. The one I've been working on for two years. Just worked out how it all falls together.
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