Friday, December 6, 2019

Life Lessons

Photo by Charlie Paradis
Charmingly British Peel The Limelight’s latest Life Lessons is a moving musical set mostly in the UK and Bangkok. Driven along by an original soundtrack written chiefly by local actor/musician Claire Stanley with Limelight peeling big cheese Peter O’Neil co-writing and directing this production is well worth checking out. Seasoned actor James Laver stars alongside Claire, Neil Anthony Rusia (once again BRILLIANTLY in drag), Thiptawan Uchai, and Kelly Jones as the voice of mum Mags.    

Photo by Charlie Paradis
Relationships, family bereavement, fishing trips, and Sunday Roast recipes are the order of the day here. It is nostalgic, humorous, and engaging, we wept, we laughed, we sang, and we interacted. This all refreshing to see as the production collaborative move on to produce original narrative material with heart and soul. We were charmed by Life Lessons from beginning to end. The delivery and intention of all performances were totally engaging. If I had to nitpick, and sometimes I do, maybe the narrative should complete the circle at the wedding rather than the more dramatic conclusion the creators chose, but that is just one way to skin the cat, and if you don’t like cats you’re in good company. I hate cats, as do two of the cast, and we kinda feel they shouldn't. If you are in Bangkok this weekend you definitely won’t see a better show in any cinema, boxing ring, go-go bar, rock concert, cock-fighting ring, or transgender cabaret theater. Life Lessons is a success and a triumph – go see it while you can this weekend. These guys have raised the bar once again.