In Jungian psychobabble the Shadow refers to that dark, often unconscious, part of the personality that we like to think doesn’t exist. “Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung reckons, and the less we are aware of it, the darker and more menacing it becomes. The Shadow orders that fifteenth shot of tequila, dials the ex-wife, gets in a fist fight, sits out a prison sentence. The shadow is responsible for eBay binges, hot-dog crust pizzas, and McDeliveries.
Some men rise above their
Shadows. Some motherfukas take a long hard look at their dark-side and decide to raise
the God darn game. This can be no truer than with the anti-virus software entrepreneur and
US presidential candidate John McAfee. On the run since 2012 following tax queries
and a deadly neighborhood dispute McAfee nowadays promotes his crypto-currency
enterprise GHOST COIN from inside his clandestine bunker.
Myself and the lads at This Strange Life caught up with John for this exclusive off-the-rails interview. What an absolute blast of a performance from the seventy-one-year old who reportedly sold shares of his old firm to the tune of $100 million. McAfee is totally aware of his darker side wearing his numerous imprisonments as badges of honor, and his drug experimentation as both anthropological expeditions and spiritual explorations. These stories are totally captivating, rich in lurid detail, and complete with a seasoned narrative arc. These, Ladies and Gentlemen, are dark fairy tales from the edge, and this interview proves once and for all (if proof be needed) that the devil indeed has the sweetest tunes.
Thanks to John and Janice for making this interview happen.
This was a real highlight for 2020.